Colección CLACSO BOOKS/ Programa SUR SUR

Democratic Innovation in the South
Ciska Raventós

Democratic innovation in the south : participation and representation in Asia, Africa and Latin America / compilado por Ciska Raventós. - 1a ed. - Buenos Aires: Consejo Latinoamericano de Ciencias Sociales - CLACSO, 2008.

Since the 1980`s electoral democracy has expanded to more regions and countries than ever before. Simultaneously, citizens all over the world, but especially in the global South, have become increasingly dissatisfied with the outcomes of these political regimes.

It is widely accepted that citizen participation improves the prospects of democratization of existing democracies. However it is important to establish the specific contribution of participation to democratization as well as the political conditions that are required for this to happen.

Has citizen participation led to institutional or cultural changes in the polity? If so, in what ways? What can be learned from these experiences? Have different forms of participation contributed to the democratization of political regimes in the South? What relationships between civil and political society have been conducive to the enhancement of representation? Are the politics of political representation of social movements and civil society conducive to the deepening of democracy?

The articles included in this book present experiences from Asia, Africa and Latin America. They deal with these questions in diverse, interesting and provocative ways

Evelina Dagnino, Alberto Olvera, Aldo Panfichi, Armando Chaguaceda Noriega, Inés Pousadela, Gabriela Bukstein, Ajay Gudavarthy, G. Vigía, Gillian Hui Lynn Goh, Alexander Frempong, Jorge Rovira Mas, Ashok Swain

ISBN: 978-987-1183-95-1
(23 x 16 cm) 240 páginas
(Programa Sur-Sur)
(Buenos Aires: CLACSO, 2008)

Others indexing terms (descriptors) asigned by the Virtual Library of CLACSO:
Democracy / Popular Participation / Social Movements / Institutions / Collective Action / Political Representation / Minority Groups / Asia / Africa / Latin America

Otros descriptores asignados por la Biblioteca virtual de CLACSO:
Democracia / Participación Popular / Movimientos Sociales / Instituciones / Acción colectiva / Representación Política / Grupos minoritarios / Asia /África / América Latina




Ciska Raventós


Part I
Civil society, public space and democratization


Democratic innovation in Latin America: a first look at the Democratic Participatory Project
Evelina Dagnino, Alberto Olvera and Aldo Panfichi

Citizens’ participation and associative space
Armando Chaguaceda Noriega


Part II
Protest, contentious collective action and democratization

Participation vs. Representation? The Experience of the Neighborhood Assemblies of Buenos Aires, 2001-2003

Inés Pousadela

A Time of Opportunities: the Piquetero Movement and Democratization in Argentina
Gabriela Bukstein

Antinomies of Political Society: Implications of
Uncivil Development

Ajay Gudavarthy and G. Vijay


Part III
Institutional legal reform: contribution to democratization

The “Democratization” of China’s Laws and Policies: two steps forward one step back from Reform and Tiananmen to Falun Gong
Gillian Hui Lynn Goh

Innovations in Electoral Politics in Ghana’s
Fourth Republic: an Analysis

Alexander Frempong

On Democratic Consolidation in the South:
comments on Frempong´s Paper

Jorge Rovira Mas


Part IV
Minority rights and democracy

Democracy, Minority Rights and Conflict Prevention in Asia
Ashok Swain


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