Colección Sur-Sur

Politics and Social Movements in an Hegemonic World
Lessons from Africa, Asia and Latin America
Atilio A. Boron & Gladys Lechini (editors)
Textos completos

Politics and Social Movements in an Hegemonic World
Lessons from Africa, Asia and Latin America

Atilio A. Boron, & Gladys Lechini (editors)

Atilio A. Boron, Gladys Lechini, Luis Maira Aguirre, Emir Sader, Samir Amin, Hari Singh, Xu Shicheng, Adebayo Olukoshi, Musa Abutudu, José Seoane, Emilio Taddei, Clara Algranati, Madeleine Andebeng L. Alingué, Kande Mutsaku Kamilamba, Mariana Castro Álvarez, Sam Moyo, François Houtart, Garth Shelton, Miryam Colacrai, Jaime Zuluaga Nieto

ISBN 987-1183-19-4
Buenos Aires: CLACSO, junio 2005
(15,5 x 22,5 cm) 407 páginas


This book is the outcome of a project of scholarly collaboration between social scientists from Africa, Asia and Latin America. Taking into consideration the worsening of social, economic, political and environmental conditions now overwhelming these regions and the shortcomings of the responses offered by the conventional wisdom, the concerned institutions intend with this project to open new  paths in the production and distribution of relevant knowledge from a  Southern perspective.

 The chapters included in this book were presented  and discussed in a workshop on South/South Scholarly Collaboration held in Havana, Cuba, in October 2003, sponsored by  Sida/SAREC, and within the framework of CLACSO’s  XXI General Assembly.

The authors reflect their perceptions and shared concerns about issues such as the new “rules of the game” prevailing in the current international order and its consequences on state and politics in Africa, Asia and Latin America; the unsettled questions of land and agrarian reform; the uprising of new social actors and protest movements; and the possibilities and prospects arising from a new dialogue and concertation  between states, societies and social forces in the South.


Atilio A. Boron & Gladys Lechini

Part I. Contending Visions in the Current International (Dis)Order

Luis Maira Aguirre
Relations Between Latin America and the United States: Balance and Prospects

Emir Sader
Latin America in the XXI Century

Samir Amin
The Driftages of Modernity: the Case of Africa and the Arab World

Hari Singh
Asia-Pacific in (America’s) New World Order

Xu Shicheng
The New Empire and the New US Hegemony

Part II. Society and Politics in a Neoliberal Age

Atilio A. Boron
After the Sacking: Latin American Capitalism at the Beginning of the xxi Century 

Adebayo Olukoshi
Changing Patterns of Politics in Africa

Musa Abutudu
Human Security in Africa: Challenges and Prospects

Part III
Social Movements and the Peasant Question

José Seoane, Emilio Taddei & Clara Algranati
The New Configurations
of Popular Movements in Latin America

Madeleine Andebeng L. Alingué
African Transatlantic Resistance and Movements

Kande Mutsaku Kamilamba & Mariana Castro Álvarez
The NGOs of Development in the South: Neo-liberalism’s Instruments or Popular Alternatives? A Critical Approach to the Third Sector

Sam Moyo
The Land Question and the
Peasantry in Southern Africa

François Houtart
Why Should Small Rice Farmers
in Sri Lanka Disappear?

Part IV. Building a New African, Asian and Latin American Dialogue

Gladys Lechini
Is South-South Co-operation still Possible?
The Case of Brazil’s Strategy and Argentina’s Impulses Towards the New South Africa and Africa

Garth Shelton
China, Africa and Asia
Advancing South-South Co-operation

Miryam Colacrai
Steps Towards Integration in Latin America
The Role of Ideas, Institutions and Policies in the MERCOSUR

Jaime Zuluaga Nieto
A Tricontinental of Knowledge:
A Space for South-South Co-operation

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